Assertion parameters can be a java.lang.String with JSON data, an org.json.JSONObject, or an org.json.JSONArray. For readability, we’ll use strings in the following examples.
A really simple example. Get a JSON object and test its ID:
public void testSimple() {
String result = getJSONResult("/user/1.json");
JSONAssert.assertEquals("{id:1}", result, false); // Pass
If you enable strictMode, then extended fields fail:
String result = "{id:1,name:\"Juergen\"}";
JSONAssert.assertEquals("{id:1}", result, false); // Pass
JSONAssert.assertEquals("{id:1}", result, true); // Fail
Strict or not, field order does not matter:
String result = "{id:1,name:\"Juergen\"}";
JSONAssert.assertEquals("{name:\"Juergen\",id:1}", result, true); // Pass
Because application interfaces are naturally extended as they mature, it is recommended that you default to leaving strict mode off, except in particular cases.
Arrays rules are different. If sequence is important, you can enable strict mode:
String result = "[1,2,3,4,5]";
JSONAssert.assertEquals("[1,2,3,4,5]", result, true); // Pass
JSONAssert.assertEquals("[5,3,2,1,4]", result, true); // Fail
When strict mode is off, arrays can be in any order:
String result = "[1,2,3,4,5]";
JSONAssert.assertEquals("[5,3,2,1,4]", result, false); // Pass
Strict or not, arrays must match. They can’t be “extended” like object fields can:
String result = "[1,2,3,4,5]";
JSONAssert.assertEquals("[1,2,3,4,5]", result, false); // Pass
JSONAssert.assertEquals("[1,2,3]", result, false); // Fail
JSONAssert.assertEquals("[1,2,3,4,5,6]", result, false); // Fail
The examples so far are simple, but this will work for JSON objects of any size (per VM memory limits), depth, or complexity.
You can test arrays of arrays, loose/strict ordering constraints apply at all levels:
String result = "{id:1,stuff:[[1,2],[2,3],[],[3,4]]}";
JSONAssert.assertEquals("{id:1,stuff:[[1,2],[2,3],[],[3,4]]}", result, true); // Pass
JSONAssert.assertEquals("{id:1,stuff:[[4,3],[3,2],[],[1,2]]}", result, false); // Pass
You can test arrays of arrays, loose/strict ordering constraints apply at all levels:
String result = "{id:1,name:\"Joe\",friends:[{id:2,name:\"Pat\",pets:[\"dog\"]},{id:3,name:\"Sue\",pets:[\"bird\",\"fish\"]}],pets:[]}";
JSONAssert.assertEquals("{id:1,name:\"Joe\",friends:[{id:2,name:\"Pat\",pets:[\"dog\"]},{id:3,name:\"Sue\",pets:[\"bird\",\"fish\"]}],pets:[]}", result, true); // Pass
JSONAssert.assertEquals("{name:\"Joe\",friends:[{id:3,name:\"Sue\",pets:[\"fish\",\"bird\"]},{id:2,name:\"Pat\",pets:[\"dog\"]}],pets:[],id:1}", result, false); // Pass
As you can see, tests work against any level of depth:
String result = "{a:{b:{c:{d:{e:{f:{g:{h:{i:{j:{k:{l:{m:{n:{o:{p:\"blah\"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}";
JSONAssert.assertEquals("{a:{b:{c:{d:{e:{f:{g:{h:{i:{j:{k:{l:{m:{n:{o:{p:\"blah\"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}", result, true); // Pass